Culture Shock

Cultureshock Description

Exploration: Culture Shock in Cambodia

Dates: October-November 2014

Number of Student: 12

Learning Facilitator: Darath

Essential Questions:
How foreigner feel when they come to Cambodia for first time?
How do people live in Cambodia?

Our Exploration was about Culture Shock, which meant feeling of confusion experienced by someone from another country and they are shocked with an unfamiliar culture like way of life and attitude. We created this exploration because we wanted to learn more about our culture in order to teach other people. Also, it is extremely important to know your own culture. In our exploration we learned about way of life and mostly about social class. In way of life we learned how people dress and how life in the city and rural areas are difference. Social class is the term to show the social position of persons which is differentiated by wealth, job, income and priority to do thing. There are three classes such as upper, middle and lower. In our Exploration we had one trip that went to Siem Reap. The reason that we went there not other provinces because Siem Reap has a lot of tourists. Our goals that we went there were to interview people to get as much information as we can and to know how did tourists felt when they came to Cambodia. After the trip we divided the group into three. We had Khmer belief group, Khmer ceremony group, and of course Khmer language group. The reason that we made this three groups because we wanted to take this lesson to teach our Khmer kids and foreigners. If we wanted to get this lesson done as the students we needed to do some research on the internet for Khmer belief and Khmer ceremony. For Khmer language we didn’t need to do the research, but we needed to put some important Khmer daily words. So, that the foreigners can learn about it and use it when they travel to some areas in Cambodia in order to communicate with Khmer people. At the end of the exploration we invited some Khmer students that were around our community to come to our school. The reason that they came to our school because we wanted to share what we had learn in our Exploration to them. We shared two lessons to them which were Khmer Belief and Khmer Ceremony.

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Interviewed People

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At Cultural Village in Siem Reap


2014/2015 Yearly Reflection

Can I ask you, do you want to change your country to become better? My answer is yes. As you know, Cambodia is a developing country, so I really want to change my country to have less poverty. Even though that I can’t change immediately, but I have this process. First I needed to encourage parents to send their kids to the school. Most underprivileged families don’t know about the benefit of sending their kids to the school. They always think that they are poor and so if they send their kids to the school, their family is still poor. If they don’t have the ability to send their kids to the school, we can build the school that can provide a scholarship to them like my Liger school. The next step after their child get a lot of knowledge they can change their family habit and they can find a legal job, so that they have income to support their family. After this their family will have a better life and have priority like other people.

I’d talked about sending their children to school to my neighbor and my relative. I said that you should send your children to the school because now the society need the people that have the knowledge. Even my parents now still encourage our neighbor and our relative to send their children to the school. But some of the people still have this mindset. They still think that if they send their children to the school, their livelihood will become poorer. But some people are sending and encouraging their children to go to the school. Even though not all people send their kids to the school but a few of them do. So, that mean we are successful because some family are sending their kids to school.

As you know that our country is a developing country, so there are a lot of rubbish beside the road and at their community. I’d been going out to the community to teach the people how to reduce plastic. First of all we had one survey to ask them to know how did they use their plastic. Then we started to share with them what we had learn in class. We taught them how to reduce plastic, like they should had one eco-​​​friendly bag that they can use for many times. Most people in our community they burned their rubbish. As you know that burning the rubbish is bad for the earth like it can affect the atmosphere and it will have climate change. So, we tried to promote to them that burning the plastic is really affected the environment. Of course one way to reduce burning is using less plastic. If you had less plastic and you will burn the plastic less too.

Cambodia is a country that speaks Khmer language. So, in order to communicate with other people around the world we need to learn new language. In Liger we are teaching the kids around our community to know how to speak English. On each Friday the community students will come to our school to learn English from our students. It is really important to know English because it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate. So, when they grow up they have the job, they can use their English to communicate with the foreigner. That will bring them a lot easier than don’t know none of the English.

It is my fortunate that I am Cambodian people because I get this best opportunity to change my country to be a peaceful country and full of education. Even though Cambodia is a developing country, which mean is not the cleanest country or the best country. But I still love my country, I will take my knowledge to share the kids all around Cambodia if I can.

2013/2014 Yearly Reflection

I bet every person in every country really want to change their country. So, I really really really want to change my country to become a developed country. As you know, Cambodia is a developing country, so one way that I can help my country is by alleviating poverty. My family always asks me, how will you help our country by alleviating poverty? I say that to help alleviate poverty is not by having a lot of money and then giving it to the poor people. Basically I don’t need money to help my country, but one thing that I really need is education. I have been taking my education to teach other Khmer students, who are nearby my village. I have been teaching them about English and 3D printing (see Entrepreneurship Description).

My money!!

If one time I have 100 million dollars in my pocket, I will build many schools or organizations in Cambodia and I will give the scholarships to the smart students that are poor. Why don’t I give it to the rich, smart kids? I really want to give the scholarships to all the smart students, but the first thing that always comes to my mind is poor kids that are smart, but they don’t have the ability to learn.

Entrepreneurship Description

Dates: November 24, 2014-February 6, 2015

Number of students: 13

Learning Facilitator: Kichong

Essential Questions:

  1. How do you start a business?
  2. What was the main thing you learned during Entrepreneurship?
  3. Write the six terms you think are most important. Why do you think they are most important?
  4. If you could do Entrepreneurship Exploration again, what would you do differently? What product? What team? How to sell? Etc.

Our Exploration was about Entrepreneurship, which means to create something new and that you are passionate about. Basically this Exploration was about how to start a business. Also, this business was not about a big company, but it was about being creative to make a product. After that we printed our product by using a 3D printer. 3D printer is the printer that can print our product from the plastic and it can make three dimensions. First we needed to think about the idea. After we needed to make a prototype to show the people. Then we needed to ask the people for the feedback or anything that they want to change. After that we needed to make a team and then we changed our product, so that it was improved based on what customers need. Then we needed to choose who was our leader. The leader was a person that guided and helped to improve our team. Also, a leader always went first or at the front. For example, when we went to interview the people, the leader could go first to tell them who we are. Finally we could make our product in the 123 D design program and then send it to the printer. The printer will print our product depending on what our product was about.The main thing that I learned during Entrepreneurship was being a good leader. Also, I learned how to think creatively and about marketing, accounting and designing. Basically I learned how to make a product that could reduce people’s problem.

The six terms that always came up to my mind were RESILIENCE, BIAS, PROACTIVE, PROCESS, INTEGRITY and PROFIT. Why did I choose resilience? I chose resilience because in the business when something bad happened you couldn’t give up, you have to push yourself forward and keep going when things are bad. When you push yourself forward, you had to think if there is anything that you could improve to make your business become better. When you had the product to sell you were not supposed to be biased because all the people had the money to pay you, not just the person that you were biased to that had the money to pay for your product. Another important term that I always thought of was proactive because if you want to make a successful business you have to cause something to happen not just wait for it to happen.  Also, being an entrepreneur you have to make your own process. You are the only one who knows how to achieve the big goal because you made your own steps already.  For sure in entrepreneurship, you have to have integrity to your team or your own business otherwise your business will fail because nobody would trust you. Why do you want to make a business? For sure every person all around the world starts their business because they want a lot of profit in order to feed themselves or their family.

If I have another Entrepreneurship Exploration next time I will:

  • Set the rules for the team that they have to listen to their leader and do something that they are supposed to do in class
  • Try more to find more places to sell because in this Entrepreneurship Exploration we only went to government schools to sell our product
  • Find more ideas that are related to people’s problems

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My product is about Book standing, you can put the books on our product while you are reading!!



My Best Friend

I always write a Weekly Journal about our holidays or something that I really want to write about. Example: I really wanted to write about my best friend because I wanted other people to know more about her. After I wrote about my best friend, I needed to send it to my Literacy teacher so that she can comment on it. Then she will send it back to me to fix the errors.

Best friend: Linda

Date of birth: January 7, 2002

Address: Kampong Thom Province

My best friend is named Linda. She is 12 years old. She was younger than me only one day. I met her when I was six years old. I met her when I was going to learn in the government school. We played with each other. We shared our knowledge to each other. When I didn’t understand the lesson she always helped to explain it to me. I really like her so much because she is very kind. Also, she always grinned very big to me. When I played with her or sat with her it made me feel very comfortable and very confident. When I felt sad or angry with someone I always went to approach her because I want to share my feelings with her. When we both have free time we always play some games. Sometimes we ate snack with each other and learned new things with each other. We both were the smart students in the school. I got number one in the class and then she got number two. When I got number two she got number three. So we always shared what we have and we shared many funny stories with each other.


Extension: Football

Coach: JoJo

Training: 4:20 pm-5:30 pm

Location: Liger’s sport court/community sport court

Football is the best sport for me. So, every Tuesday I have the training with my coach named Jojo. So, after school ends we go to play with each other from 4:20 pm until 5:30 pm. In this Extension I have learned how to pass the ball and how to shoot the ball. Also, I learn how to do headers and sometimes there is one person who throws the ball to us and then we have to go to the ball and make that ball land on our chest. My strength is defending the ball from the other team.

We have already had five tournaments with other international schools in Cambodia. We have won four tournaments, but the third tournament we lost because their girls were so big (like nineteen years old). So, we lost and we were the second place. When it is the time that we have the tournament, my coach always puts me in defense.

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  Going out to play football in the community field

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Competition with other schools


Exploration name: Ecotourism

Exploration dates: August 13-October 3, 2014

Learning Facilitator: Jeff

Number of students: 13

Essential questions:

(1) What is Eco-tourism?

(2) How can Eco-tourism help change our country?

Ecotourism means to travel to natural areas that protect environment and help people life at location became better. Ecotourism was also about helping to preserve the environment. Our ecotourism group went to Chi Phat to study about the ecotourism in Chi Phat. Also, we learned about how ecotourism in Chi Phat are different from other ecotourism sites. Our big goal when we went to Chi Phat was to interview as many people as possible. We interviewed different people to get different answers and all the people had different perspectives. After we interviewed a lot of people we came back and studied about the information we found some areas of concern. Our group made a recommendation to Chi Phat community about the areas of concern. Some areas of concern are education, transportation, marketing, collaboration, and energy. After we finished we will send it to Martin and Prom Hong, the CBET (Community Based Eco-tourism Site) directors.


Interviewed people: 20140902_085703 (640x480)


Teaching Students: DSC04436 (640x480)

Refuse Plastic

Exploration Name: Refuse Plastic

Exploration Dates: May 5 – June 17

Essential Questions:

1. What are solutions to reduce waste?

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of  students: 12

We learned about plastic. We spended a lot of time to discuss about what happens to plastic waste. We found that in Cambodia people liked to burn, bury, throw away and put in the landfill. When we burned rubbish it had co2. Which mean carbon dioxide that the plants took and it let out oxygens out for us, but if it had a lot of co2 it increase the chance that global warming, greenhouse effect and drought could happened. When the world have global warming the ice will melt and some animals will lose their habitats because some animals need cold place to live. Example polar bears needed cold place to live, but if we burned rubbish the cold place like Arctic will melt and then polarbears went extinct. Also, when global warming happened the world got hotter and the oceans got hotter too. If the oceans got hotter the animals that in lived in the oceans will die like jelly fish because they like to live in normal climate.  When the drought happened and then the organisms will die because all organisms need water to stay a life.  Also, when the drought happened the desserts got bigger and it had a lot of winds and sand storms. When we buried it could polluted to the water and soil. So we can’t grew the plants on that soil again. When we threw the rubbish away it could clogged the drain and it could had flood. Why rubbish could clogged the drain because when the rain came the water can’t went through the drain because of  rubbish were clogging already. So when rain came a lot and it can’t went through the drain it could have flooding. when we put the rubbish at the landfill  the problems were taking a lot of space, have leaching chemical and methane gas. Leaching chemical when the chemical came out slowly. Example when the rain came it stayed in the plastic that in the landfill and slowly the chemical came out. This chemical was not good for our health. Methane gas were 21 times  more dangerous than co2.We were researching about solutions that could helped to reduce waste. Our solutions were 3R and 5D. 3R means reduced, reused and recycled. Reduced means used less plastic. Reused means used it again. Example if you have one plastic already don’t threw it away tried to used it again when you went to shopping. Recycle means when you used the plastic already you could put it into factory to made more plastic bags. When you have plastic and you wanted to threw away you have to think could I reduced this plastic. Then you have to think could I reused it and then if you can’t reuse you could recycled it. 5D means define, discovered, design, develop and deploy.

In our class we have other solution. That solution was reusing plastic. We made many things out of plastic for people to use it. Many students had made the bags out of plastic for carried some things when you went to shopping. One student had made flower from the plastic. That flower you could hanged it in front of your house or on the table. Our project were so helpful because all the bags and flowers were the things that people wanted and needed.

When we used plastic it have benefit too. People used plastic as materials. Plastic we could used it in many different climate.  Plastic could packaged food and water and then that food & water will safe. It can keeped the food be fresh. The best reason why people liked to used plastic because plastic doesn’t cost a lot of money.

We had 4 trips that we went to Phnom Penh. The first trip we went to Lucky market to interview the seller about plastic. The second trip we went to BKK market to interview the seller and the buyer about plastic. We went there to observe how people used their plastic.  We had went to Cintri. Cintri was the company that took the rubbish to put at the landfill. The last trip we went to community to ask about plastic and then we took that information to studied. IMG_20140603_153141 (640x480)                IMG_20140612_132656_1 (480x640)



Name of Course: Zoology

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 12

Dates: Jan. 19 – March 27

Days we Meet: Monday and Tuesday

In our class we learned about the animals, for example bacteria is the first organism that have life on Earth. We learned about different kinds of organisms that live in the world, for example in ocean there are different kinds of living things like star fishes and turtles. After that we learned about invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates are the organisms that don’t have a backbone. Vertebrates are the organisms that have backbone. Ex: cow have a backbone, sponge don’t have a backbone. We learned about marine animals and territory animals. Marine are the organisms that live in the ocean only. Ex: Octopus are a marine animal. Territory are the organisms that live on land. Ex: cats are the territory animals. In the water there are a lot of insects. We learned how the insects metamorphosis. Metamorphosis means change. We learned about the metamorphosis are about their life cycle. In class we learned a lot of things most things that we learned are about the mammals. Mammals are the organisms that have a baby in their belly and give their baby a milk like a human. 

Asian Politics

Name of Course: Asian Politics

Learning Facilitator: Kimchhel

Number of Students : 9

Dates: March 30 – June 12

In our class we studied about the countries that joined ASEAN. First teacher wrote the names of the countries on pieces of paper. Then each student did the lucky draw to pick the country that they needed to research. When we got enough information we created the presentation on Prezi, Google Presentation or OneNote. After three weeks of doing the research we started to present about the country that we did research about. We talked about the flag, land and population, religion, GDP and some other things. We did some comparisons between some countries to Cambodia. For example in 2003 Cambodia is having more trade freedom than thailand but in 2014 thailand is having more trade freedom than Cambodia. Another example is in 2005 Laos having more trade freedom than Cambodia but in 2014 Cambodia is having more trade freedom than Cambodia.  After everyone did their presentation the teacher introduced more about ASEAN politics. The categories that he taught us were political systems (ex. communism and democracy), the start of ASEAN (why ASEAN started), the history of ASEAN countries (revolution from some powerful countries) and so on. ASEAN started because two reasons. One is because to prevent from war (island conflict) and another reason because to block communist influence (Cold War). In about 19th century France there was a revolution to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and more but not Thailand because they talked with England that Thailand is the border of the country that they do the revolution on. Moreover teacher also taught us that ASEAN divided into two parts. One is Indochina (Thailand, Burma) and another one is Malaysia (island country).