Short Response Paragraph – Before Chicago

Currently, Native Americans have jobs to do to earn money to support their livelihoods. Even though that is the case, long ago they were struggled with the weather, getting food, and keeping warm. The author states, “Then in winter, they would leave the village and build homes in the woods. Each family would build its own home, and would take animal skins with them to help construct their homes.” According to this quote, because of the weather, they had to relocate their homes to other places. At there, they rebuild their homes by using branches to make tents and covered the walls with animal skins to keep them warm. One important reason why they had to leave their homes was because at there, they could find food easily. The author mentions, “They would be able to track rabbits in the winter, and there would also be deer.” As you can see that they could hunt animals easily at there. However, they would not have as much food to eat as in summer because there would be no plants growing in winter, except wild onions. But, even they needed a lot of food for their families to eat to have the energy to work, to find more food. This clearly shows that Native Americans faced a lot of challenges in that time.

Click here to see the original text: Before Chicago


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